

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Hey, Jude

My son's favorite word is "hey." He uses it a good 5 dozen times throughout the day, not only to get attention, point out objects of interest, and assume command, but also to express indignation. Today he used it to inform me that he took offense to me unceremoniously picking him up and peeking in his diaper to check for poo.

Gabriel is still a-cookin' but we don't know how long that will last. I have many contractions throughout the day and a lot of pain and pressure.

Ryan visits this weekend!! Yay!!

So happy for Heather and very proud to have found a dress that meets her selective approval. ;) I'm hoping and praying that everything works out beautifully for her. And who wouldn't I kill to be able to visit her in NYC!!

Johnny is sitting beside me playing a computer game. It might be pathetic, but I'm happy just to be near him; it doesn't matter if he's left the known world for his own happy universe. I love to just be able to reach over and rub his back. He's so amazing.

I would really love to perform in a musical right now. Unfortunately, my diaphram is completely squished and I am way too fat to dance.

Is it bad that the highlight of my day was going to Wal Mart?

1 comment:

heather said...

Nawww...Wal-Mart is the best. I wish I had one actually. It would make life a lot less expensive. And that dress is FABULOUS by the way....it's still on my short list. And killing isn't so bad--just get here...