

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I look over my blog sometimes and feel inept. My writing style is very simple, almost juvenile. I wish I could write beautiful prose, posts that inspire and warm the heart. I wish I could write like Stewie, but if I tried it would seem forced and pretentious. So, I will simply write like myself, simple, sweet, and, at times, childish. That's me; take it or leave it.

Honestly, my whole life is pretty simple. Today, for example, I felt very accomplished as I tucked my babies into bed and lay back with a mug of hot chocolate, collecting my thoughts. No, I wasn't involved in any big business deals; I didn't save lives; I didn't even drive a car today. But I did laundry, made some phone calls, washed my hair, cooked dinner, and cut up apple and hot dog into bite-sized pieces. Golly, I even took out the garbage. But, best of all, I woke up beside the man I love and kissed my babies goodnight.

Yes, I lead a simple life, but it's beautiful. I wouldn't trade it for the world. God is truly great.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awww...your writing is perfect ;)