

Friday, July 9, 2010

Loose Ends

We still need our visas. Apparently they like to come through at the very last possible minute, so we expect to have them Tuesday morning. We hope...

I need to call people. I'll be pretty much off the radar after Tuesday evening for who knows how long. I called the lovely Red today and I have many more people to call and give love before I head halfway around the world.

I need to reorganize all our belongings. Things are pretty together, but I need to check and double check all our carry-ons, banish liquids over 4 ounces, and prep for a huge trip with three little troublemakers. Okay, one isn't so little. ;-)

Spend this weekend with mom and sisters, make sure I've changed all addresses I need to, give everyone new contact information, say goodbye to all local friends, return my grandpa's house keys, get some gluten free food for the flight, gather important papers, sell Gabriel's carseat, deliver the stroller to the Sarmientos, buy another umbrella stroller, get my eyebrows waxed, get a haircut, and somewhere in there try to keep my brain and remaining sanity intact.

Who am I kidding? What sanity?

4 days until the flight.

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