

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Zack had his first t-ball practice Monday evening.  I'm so excited for the season even though his team is called the Yankees.  Our neighbor boy is on the team and his mom is one of the co-coaches.  I'm kind of wishing I had signed up to coach.  Neither of the moms who are coaching seem to know all that much about baseball, not to mention fundamentals.  Although it is t-ball, so it doesn't really matter all that much yet.  It's great that they stepped up.  Maybe next year.  

We were encouraged to help out.  Since I was still feeling utterly miserable John took off work to do the carpooling for the day.  He took us all to practice and help Zack with throwing before practice started.

Getting to know the team.

The Peanut gallery.  He joined in for a bit of throwing but for the most part Peanut was perfectly happy to play on the playground and eat his dinner.  I'm hoping to get him to play next year (he's not old enough this year) but I'm not entirely optimistic.

Learning how to run the bases.  A couple of the kids had obviously played last year.  The other kids took a couple tries of random running around before they understood that they were supposed to step on each base.  Zack took 2 tries, but after that he had it down pat.  

Practicing throwing.  At one point the mom who is coaching had to deal with her son's tempter tantrum, so I stepped in to throw with the kids.  Thanks to my dad I'm extremely well-versed in baseball.  I had all four of them catching consistently after 2 minutes of coaching and 2 throws each.  Mama didn't have a sports-savvy dad and three brothers for nothing!

They started throwing to each other.  Which was really funny.

Batting.  He's had a lot of practice with that since we have our own tee.

Our first game is Saturday morning.  Stay tuned for pics of my little stud muffin in uniform! ;)

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Thanks for sharing, it brought back so many fun memories. Enjoy these precious times!