

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Terrifying Tuesday

Tuesday is our crazy day.  It's the day we leave the house at first light and return after dark.  Of course, in a Wyoming winter all too easy to return home after dark.

But it was a productive Tuesday.  We all spent it improving our arts, making Mazlov proud at every turn.

Zack passed his AJF belt testing to earn his green stripe.

Gabriel, customarily a picky eater, has developed a sudden and (presumably) undying love of chicken wings.  He cooked them for us Tuesday evening.  They were delicious.  He enjoys his bounty below.

And I am working on those tricky stabilizers, trying to move beyond flexibility and actually strengthening the muscles so I can fall easily in and out of splits and straddles rather than using the floor or hands for stretching aids.  I also have Pimsleur Russian playing while I train in preparation for Uzbekistan next year.

And that's where we are this week.  Christmas decor makes its appearance this coming weekend with a possible tree cutting expedition.

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