

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

These Are Always Fun...

1- Did you kiss anyone?
2- Did you date anyone?
Does my husband count?
3- Are you going to kiss someone when the ball drops?
4- Did you lose any friends?
5- Did you gain any friends?
6- Did you do something new?
Yes! I got to go sledding!
7- Did anyone important to you die?
Yes. My Grandmother died of Alzheimers
8- Did you change?
9- Are you happy with the year over all?
Oh, yes.
10- What's the best thing that happened to you?
My son, Gabriel, was born.
11- Did you fall in or out of love?
I fell deeper in love with my perfect Johnny.
12- Are you happy the years almost over?
Yes and no; life is shooting by too fast, but it's so fun.
13- Are you going to change something about yourself next year?
I don't know.
14- Do you think 2009 will be a better year then 2008?
Each year seems to get better and better.
20- Did you go on a summer vacation?
Yes. I went home!! :)
22- Did you get into a fight?
23- Did you leave the country
24- Did you have a good birthday?
Yes! I had gluten-free pizza
25- Did anyone in your family get married?
26- Do you think you grew?
Most definitely
27- Did you dye your hair?
28- Who do you think you were on the phone with the most?
29- Did anyone sing to you?
30- Did you sing to anyone?
I sing to my little ones every day
31- Did anyone tell you they loved you?
Yes. :)
32- Did you ever go to the hospital?
Oh yeah.
33- What did you drink and eat the most?
Water and rice products
35- Did you change your profile over 10 times?!
36- Did you change your default at least 20 times?
37- Did you get a tattoo?
38- Did you vote?
39- Are you going to make a new years resolution ?
Probably not
41- Think you’ll date someone in 2009?
Just my favorite guy.
42- Where will you be when the ball drops?
Ft. Collins, CO with my love.
43- Do you think you will make new friends in 2009?
44- Are you hoping to meet someone special in 2009?
Special in what way?
45- How do you feel, another year has passed you by?

Happy New Years!!

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