

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

MOPS and Autumn

I really enjoyed my MOPS meeting today. I just love the ladies in my small group. Two, in particular, really seem to be kindred spirits. The speaker today was very insightful. She addressed 5 Big Points of life that are most useful for raising your kids.
1) You have Unique Abilities
2) You have a Direction
3) You have a Respect Need
4) You Have A Capacity to Love
5) You have Unique Vulnerability

The respect issue really spoke to me. She pointed out that you can't teach your children to respect if you don't even respect yourself. Self-esteem has always been a bit of an issue for me.
She also addressed the issue of Discipline vs. Punishment in arena of respect. Discipline simply means teaching. You teach your curious,, adventurous 2-year-old not to play with certain things. If an accident occurs, like Mr. Mischief knocks over a lamp in an area where he was not supposed to be playing, rather than punish you use more discipline. You teach him to clean up after himself and demonstrate the consequences for his actions. Rather than quelch his adventurous nature, teach him that it needs to be bridled.
Punishment should really only come into play if he is disrespectful. If he knocks over the lamp, you teach him a lesson and he is defiant regarding that lesson he is exhibiting disrespect. It is not the accident of knocking of the lamp that is the really serious issue, it's the need of a child to learn respect, not only for his parents, but for himself and everything/everyone around him.
Good concept.

The other important part of the meeting was learning that another family is dealing with Celiac. My new friend, Sarah, has a two-year-old diagnosed with Celiac. I am so thankful for this new network! She's going to introduce me to her pediatrician, take me on a grocery tour of Silver Spring and show me the best place to get the blood screen done. Praise the Lord!

In other news, Maryland decided to go Autumn today. It's sunny, breezy, crisp and cool outside. I'd find the weather beautiful if I had some jeans, but I'm waiting to buy them until Heather comes shopping with me.

Gabey's birthday is on Thursday! Heather arrives on Friday! Yay!! Fun week.

1 comment:

Red said...

Hahaha, Ari I read "MOPS" and immediately thought of the chemical warfare suits that the Marines had to wear for that first month in Iraq... "what on EARTH is that girl doing?!" Glad to hear it's a Mommy class instead :D I like the discipline v. punishment concept, I've never really thought about it that way before.