

Monday, March 15, 2010


A blog seems like such a cliche place to complain, but I feel that my last couple weeks deserve a venting.

March has not been my month thus far. It all started with my losing Gabriel's favorite blanket that my mom made for him. I lost it somewhere on a trip into D.C. and Metro lost and found has not reported it found, so I assume it's lost somewhere in the filthy vastness of D.C.

Next I fell on concrete stairs with Gabriel in my arms. I was able to turn to protect him but this involved a crash landing on my kidney and elbow and the slamming of my foot into a concrete wall which resulted in a hairline fractured of the second metatarsal. I've been limping for a week and a half now.

A couple days after I broke my toe I came down with a nasty cold and also smashed my face into the corner of a cabinet door while rushing around to prepare lunch. Ow.

To top things off I have spent the entire morning making phone calls and hunting through papers trying to obtain my immunization records for my entire life. My mother says she gave to me. I don't have them, so, genius that I am, I must have lost them. I've been on hold with Orange County for 20 minutes now.

*insert groan of despair* At least Gabriel is napping and Zach is being relatively quiet.

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