

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


It didn't take long for school drama to grace our door.  I got a call from the vice principle today telling me that Zack had been punched.  He ended up in the nurse's office with a bloody nose.  Apparently the boys were playing a game on the playground and Zack tagged a boy who didn't want to be tagged.  The boy responded by decking Zack.  Charming.  The boy claims Zack was grabbing him and wouldn't let go, but Zack and another little boy claimed that was not the case.  Now I am very willing to believe that Zack played too rough, as he often does when he gets too excited, but since that doesn't justify decking someone in the face, Mama Bear was pretty mad.
The school handled it very well, though.  The boy's mother even wrote to me to apologize, although she did couch it with "I just don't understand; he's never hit anyone before."  I had to inform her that this was, in fact, the second time the boy had hit Zack.  It was the first week of school, but Zack didn't get hurt that time and he handled it extremely well.  He told the boy not to be mean or he would tell a grown up and Zack walked away.  So I didn't report it to anyone, hoping it was just the excitement of the first days of school.  I feel sad for the mom, knowing I would hate getting that response, but I think she needed to know.  I hope that I would want to know in the same situation; I did ask her to let me know if her son told her that Zack had said or done anything to aggravate the boy.  I hope I did the right thing.  I'm pretty new to all this and I'm pretty partial to that sweet (if overly-excitable) little guy.

I hope that's the last of the drama for a while.

Gabriel is recovering from what seems to be a mild case of scarlet fever.  He had a fever and pretty bad cold symptoms for about a week, but the fever never got terribly high, so I ignored it, thinking it was a virus.  Then he developed a red rash all over his torso which lasted for about 4 days.  Now the skin on his hands is peeling to pieces.  It's textbook scarlet fever except for the unusually low temperature.  Strep throat has been going around the embassy, so that's probably how he caught it.  If anyone knows of something else that exhibits these symptoms let me know.  Obviously, he's recovering now, but I like to keep track of what he's had.

We're working on getting a couple rooms in the house painted.  The painters quoted us a higher estimate than I expected, so I'm bartering it down.  We'll see how that goes.  We'll get the paint at Ace ourselves.

I'm also in the process of finding a Yorkie puppy.  I'm going to look at a litter on Thursday.  They're so fluffy!!!!!  Must...remain...objective....  Ha!  

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Boys sort out the alphas and once done often become good buddies. I wouldn't stress about an incident but a pattern is different. If there is a pattern it is best for Dads to sort it out because Moms with hackles raised do not see clearly about their little darlings. Befriend the Mom and make a playdate? Good luck with the puppy.